Discovery can mark the end of diabetes


New York Agencies

An American research team has discovered a new drug called Harmine, which would be the "revolutionary" treatment that can end diabetes.

The findings showed, according to researchers at Ikean College of Medicine's Mount Sinai Hospital, in Manhattan, NY, that the drug can promote the multiplication of insulin-producing cells and ultimately constitutes an effective treatment against diabetes.

The researchers found that the drug "Harmin" could stimulate the cells, "the pancreas," to produce ten times more insulin produced by beta cells each day. "When you take Harmaine with another drug – commonly used to promote bone growth – insulin increases every day by 40 times that of beta cells," they said.

The treatment is still in the early stages of the test, but researchers believe that its effects on insulin secretion could cause a revolution and a major advance in the treatment of type I and type II diabetes.

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