Disney attracts the public and publishes the full announcement for Aladdin! (Video)


Disney fans are thirsty and publish the full movie ad

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Walt Disney Studios has released the full version of the upcoming Aladdin, along with Will Smith.

Aladdin's new promotional video presents a collection of fictitious oriental cities that resemble his legendary costume and elegance, for one of the biggest productions of the year.

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The creators of the new version of Aladdin have inspired many of the dazzling elements of the 1992 cartoon directed by Disney Studios.

Although Will Smith, who plays the Blue Genie, appears under his human face in the first scenes of the film, most of his appearances in the film will take the form of a legendary figure of Blue Rye.

The film will be screened in international cinemas, including the Russian role, on May 24.

Source: Izvestia

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