Disrupts Google services in many countries around the world


Google has experienced interruptions in many countries, with users reporting issues with Gmail, Google Drive, Hangout, and Google Maps.

The issues affected users worldwide and informed users in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America, and lasted more than three hours after being reported for the first time.

Site tracking issues and interruptions in Gmail have shown a significant increase in the number of users reporting problems with the email service, around 2:00 GMT.

"We are investigating information reporting a problem with Gmail, we will soon provide more information," Google said in a statement quoted by the Guardian. "Users can access Gmail, which employs over a billion people.

The people concerned were unable to send e-mail messages and received a message saying "The message could not be sent, please check your network and try again." Others had problems opening attachments.

After several hours of reporting problems for the first time, Google confirmed that "customers will have difficulty accessing files of various products or attaching them to files", including "attaching or attaching attachments" in e-mail messages Write and save e-mail messages and send e-mail messages. The company has confirmed the existence of problems loading and downloading files from Google Drive and downloading images or attachments to the Hangout.

Google Maps users also had problems seeing a black screen rather than street pictures.

Google has not confirmed the reason for the interruption of the service.

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