Dizziness and tinnitus are its most prominent symptoms. Everything you need to know about Ménière’s disease


The German health magazine “Apotecen Omschau” revealed the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of Ménière’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear that adversely affects hearing and balance.

Ménière’s disease is a chronic disease and attacks often occur at irregular intervals of varying intensity. In some people, they can be mild and not cause discomfort, while in other cases, they lead to a significant reduction in quality of life, especially if they occur frequently.

The magazine said the disease was named after the French doctor, “Prosper Meniere”, who was the first to discover it, explaining that the cause of Meniere’s disease is not yet known, but doctors believe that it results from the accumulation of a quantity of fluid “internal lymph” in the body inner ear.

The journal highlighted other factors that can lead to Ménière’s disease, including: “inadequate drainage of fluids, anatomical obstruction or abnormality, abnormal immune system response, viral infection, in addition to a genetic predisposition “.

Regarding the most prominent symptoms of Ménière’s disease, the magazine mentions that they are dizziness, ringing in the ears and deterioration of the sense of hearing. Symptoms appear suddenly, go away again after a few minutes to a few hours, then come back in flares and at very irregular intervals.

There are proven effective treatment methods, including those containing the active substance “Betahistine”. If this treatment is not sufficient, cortisone is injected directly into the middle ear, and if the patient does not feel better, the antibiotic “Gentamicin” can be taken. .

Rarely, surgical closure of the affected auditory organ is used; The healthy ear must resume function, as the last stage of treatment.

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