Do you know the deadly disease that coffee processes?


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Do you know the deadly disease that coffee processes?

Japanese scientists have discovered that compounds present in coffee can slow down or stop the growth of prostate cancer, as a result of experiments on mouse cells.
According to the study, it has been shown that caffeine in coffee inhibits cell growth resistant to common anticancer drugs.
The scientists said the compounds discovered could be screened for drug-resistant prostate cancer if their effectiveness was confirmed in humans.
"We found that Kahweol's capitol and acetate inhibited the growth of cancer cells in mice, but that this combination needed to work consistently, which significantly slowed tumor growth in non-mice," he said. said Dr. Hiroaki Iwamoto of the Faculty of Medicine of Kanazawa University. Treatment ".
After 11 days, the volume of untreated tumors increased three times more than the initial size (342%), whereas in mice treated with both compounds, growth was slightly greater than half (167%), more than the initial size, "said Iwamoto.
Dr. Iwamoto pointed out that this study was experimental and that, therefore, the use of coffee compounds is scientifically possible, but that it requires more research, which means that it does not can not yet be applied in humans.
Source – Sputnik

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