Do you suffer from swelling of the legs? Here is this magic recipe


Many people, especially women, have swollen legs and feet for a variety of reasons, including poor circulation, long periods of sitting, excessive consumption of processed meat, and pregnancy.

Often, swollen legs may be normal, after standing or sitting in a position for a long time, or during pregnancy for example, and may also be an indicator of diseases such as kidney disease, heart failure or liver disease, so it is always best to consult your doctor if this swelling persists.

If the swelling is normal and is not the symptom of a serious illness, here is the magic natural solution that will take you completely out of this problem, "parsley tea," according to the Daily Health website.

According to d. John R. Christopher, an American herbalist, is expected to consume 1.8 liters of parsley tea each day for the best results.

After washing, soak it in a cup of boiled water for 5 to 7 minutes, then drain it with a teaspoon of honey before eating it.

Many studies have proven that parsley has many beneficial effects on health: it helps to eliminate some health problems such as allergies, asthma, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal problems , lowering blood pressure, improving breathing and strengthening bones.

A study published in 2002 in the Journal of Ethnic Medicine showed that parsley acts as a diuretic by inhibiting sodium and potassium ions in the body, which positively affects the process of osmosis and increased flow urinary, thanks to its large amounts of potassium.

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