Do you sweat while sleeping? You must find out why this could be dangerous


Of course, sweating during sleep is a medical problem that many people consider normal and annoying. In fact, sweating during sleep can be normal only in the case of a single room temperature or when you sleep. In humans or because of the use of several blankets cause body temperature, and otherwise, perspiration during sleep medical cases that may indicate the occurrence of several problems.

The following report will highlight the medical problems that can be the main causes of human exposure to perspiration during sleep, according to "Sidi".

L & # 39; hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is one of the leading causes of sweating during sleep: it can lead to increased body temperature, starvation and thirst after waking, as well as diarrhea and weight loss, even in climates temperate or cold.

Low sugar content

For diabetics, exposure to perspiration during sleep may be due to several factors, such as low blood sugar or intense physical exertion before bedtime or a late dinner, as well as to the effects side effects of sulfonylurea drugs.

3. sleep apnea

The low oxygen concentration during sleep is the main cause of perspiration during sleep because of the pressure caused by lack of oxygen on the body and muscles.

4 – acid reflux called acidity or GERD

People suffering from chest pain and heartburn and according to gastrointestinal physicians, the phenomenon that causes sweating during sleep in normal cases can be overcome by taking small meals before d & # 39; go to bed, while avoiding eating fatty and fried foods next to tomatoes.

5 – Cancer of the lymph nodes

Many types of cancers, including lymphoma, can cause sweating during sleep. A quarter of people with this type of cancer suffer from sweating during sleep, many of whom develop a mild fever.

6- Types of drugs

The phenomenon of perspiration during sleep can be caused by the effects and side effects of medications such as heat-reducing and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and older types of antidepressants.

7. Tuberculosis

Among the diseases that cause injury to half of the people infected with perspiration during sleep, they cause general fatigue, fatigue, lack of appetite and a bloody cough.

8. Concern

Organic diseases and health problems do not only cause perspiration during sleep, but exposure to anxiety, stress and panic attacks also make it sweat during sleep, resulting in a heart rate elevated and irregularities in the adult or the child.

9. HIV

HIV / AIDS causes several serious symptoms, as well as sleep sweating, such as acute joint pain, lymph nodes, swelling, diarrhea and weight loss.

10 – the incidence of different tumors

There is a long list of types of cancers and cancers causing perspiration during sleep, in men and women, such as kidney cancer and some types of ovarian tumors in women, as well as the prostate cancer and testes in humans, in addition to advanced thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer. And doctors classify the phenomenon of perspiration during sleep among one of the most well-known classic symptoms associated with the appearance of multiple types of cancer.

11 – reach menopause

This is a special point for women exposed to many internal physical changes resulting in sweating during sleep due to menopause, which begins in the forties and fifties due to the different nature of the ovaries and the Stopping the menstrual cycle.

12 – different infections

The infection of various types of bacterial infection to the phenomenon of sweating during sleep due to human fever caused by an infectious bacterium such as brucellosis due to the consumption of unpasteurized milk or d & rsquo; An inflammation of the ventilator constitutes the lining of the heart muscle, as well as an inflammation of the bones or liver lesions or purulent abscesses of the liver.

13 – illness of the forces

Sorem disease is one of the rarest types of tumors in men that develops and develops in the adrenal glands. Although it is classified as a type of tumor, it is not considered a cancer.

The disease, which is often caused by genes, causes the breakdown of hormone levels in the body, which increases blood pressure and thus causes sweating during sleep and side attacks of headaches.

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