Dr. Abdullah Al-Thiabi reveals the factors of colon cancer


Bounces – Harmony

Dr. Abdullah Al-Thiabi, a doctor at the National Guard Hospital in Riyadh, revealed the most important factors leading to colon cancer.

According to him, cancer is the leading cause of death in the world, killing nearly 9.6 million patients in 2018 (including 862,000 cases of colon cancer), according to a recent report from the World Health Organization. health. Colon cancer is a common tumor: the total number of new cases in the past year is estimated at 1.8 million worldwide.

He also noted that colon cancer is the most common cancer in men and the third most common tumor among women in Saudi Arabia. "He is often diagnosed after the age of 50 and rarely before the age of forty."

"Risk factors that increase the risk of colorectal cancer are multiple, including: age, family history, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol consumption , inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes, exposure to radiation from the abdomen or pelvis ".

"Food plays an important role in increasing or decreasing the risk of colon cancer." "Excessive consumption of processed meat (such as sausages and sausages) and cooking meat at a very high temperature (during roasting) can increase the risk of infection." According to the American Cancer Society , the consumption of fruits, vegetables and other high fiber foods reduces the risks. "

"Several factors increase the risk of infection, which can be infected by a tumor without the presence of known risk factors.The symptoms of colon cancer vary depending on the stage of the tumor, which usually lasts for years.

"The tumor at its early stage does not cause symptoms, and the most important symptoms are: diarrhea or constipation, blood in the stool, anemia, involuntary weight loss, abdominal pain.Because the tumor does not cause the symptoms indicated The risk is to perform early detection of this type of tumor to diagnose the tumor at an early stage. "

According to a US study, early detection has helped prevent nearly 550,000 cases over three decades in the United States. Early detection of colon cancer is recommended for both sexes starting at age 45, according to the latest recommendations. from the American Cancer Society. It should be noted that sometimes, and can recommend a doctor before the age of 45 if the risk of cancer is high, for example due to family history of colon cancer.

The analysis used for early detection is multiple and the time interval for repeated analysis varies according to the type of examination: complete colonoscopy (every 10 years), flexible radiography or CT scan (every 5 years), three stool tests Immunological and chemical test (annual), invisible blood test (annual), and finally DNA test every 3 years.

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