Dr. Kholoud reveals his vulnerability during the birth of his twins and his audience aspires to a new surprise


Dr. Kholoud reveals his vulnerability during the birth of his twins and his audience aspires to a new surprise

Source: Umniah Abbas – launch news

Dr. Kholoud, a Kuwaiti fascist and star of social networking sites, revealed that she had been exposed to five risks when her twins were born.

Kholoud, in a message to her audience through her personal account on "Instagram," said that she had overcome the pain and seriousness of childbirth thanks to the calls of many people for her and her sisters.

"Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for the most beautiful blessings that the Lord of the worlds has given me," wrote the Kuwaiti fascist. "Praise be to God for his health and well-being."

"Health, well-being, good children and good husband love people, thank you to everyone who went to pray to me from the invisible or the public, thanks to all who supported me , word or "aa" or asking for it. "

She explained: "Maanati Khawat, but Entwta Khawati, who did not visit my mother traveled the world smoothly and with good intentions."

She added, "My birth has been easy and despite the fatigue of pregnancy and I have been threatened more than five times, but thanks to the Lord of the worlds, then to my parents and my husband, and thank you to God all stages of danger and to God. "

"God does not deprive me of you, and if Allah wants you with a reward, you will say the third surprise, which I said with good deeds," she said at the end of her conversation with his disciples.

Amin, his wife, the Kuwaiti fascist, and the social media star, Dr. Kholoud, participated in a video clip via Snape Chat, where she appeared in the delivery room, where she reassured her fans of his health at his first appearance after having his twins.

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