"Education" pays tribute to laureates of the League of Arab States "Standard" competition


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On Wednesday, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education paid tribute to the winners of the contest for them to speak standard Arabic, speech, poetry and deepen the language. study of grammar for the year 2018/2019 at the level of the Arab world on the occasion of the twenty-first year of the League of Arab States, under the auspices of Mr. Tarek Shawki, Minister of 39, Education and Technical Training, Ahmed Aboul Gheit Secretary General of the League of Arab States.

Saadi Al Sayahi, Director of the Department of Culture of the League of Arab States, Ali Ali Saad, Professor of Curriculum and Standard Arabic Language Teaching Methods at Banha University, and Khalid Al-Sabki, General Coordinator of the competition, Dr. Hana Qassem Abdulmajes Shalabi, Office of Arabic Language Development and representatives of the participating countries.

For its part, Al-Banawani said that one of the objectives of this competition is to establish a communication between the Arabs and to link them by cooperation and language through a dialogue successful. What we have seen in our children is honesty in speech and in speech. Learners have a language of thought and a system of communication and expression: there is no human civilization, no cultural power, no cognitive ability without linguistic revival, no harmony without language, no society without harmony.

Al-Banawani explained that competition in classical Arabic language, discourse, poetic discourse and the deepening of the grammar study measure students' abilities in improvised rhetoric, outgoing mail, respect for the rules Grammatical, facial expression, representation, interpretation, self-confidence, time commitment, He added that the countries participating in the contest this year are (Kuwait, Oman, Lebanon and Egypt), and represented Egyptian student Rehab Hamdi Mohammed of Damietta for the high school contest and student Sumaya Jamal Mohammed of Fayoum governorate for the contest. At the preparatory stage and at the level of the Arab world.

Khaled Al-Sabki, for his part, pointed out that the bulk of the competition and the development of the talent of speech and speech was to strengthen the Arab bonds between the students, stressing that the participation of the pupils of the Egyptian schools in the competition was reinforced. at the level of the administration of education, then by the educational directorates of different provinces to identify the winners. Each stage "preparatory – secondary", after passing the written and oral exam.

It should be noted that at the Republic level at the preparatory stage, Habiba Atef Mohamed Abdel-Aal of Alexandria was honored, who won the first place, and memories of Mubarak Abdel-Monsef of Kafr El -Sheikh and won the second place and Kholoud Khalil Mohammed from third place.

At the Republic level in the secondary phase, were honored by: Reem Ahmed Mohammed of Dakahlia, who won first place, and Raham Jamal Sulaiman, of North Sinai, in second place, and Mohammed Al-Shahat Badawi, of lake, in third place.

At the level of the Arab countries in preparation, Sulaiman bin Nasser bin Salem was honored in Amman first, then Ola Hammoud Hamed of Kuwait in second place and Ahmed Dahir of Kuwait in second place, and Samia Jamal Abdalal of Egypt in third place.

At secondary level in the Arab world, Rehab Hamdi Ali was honored from Oman, Mohammed bin Omar bin Abdul Rahman from Kuwait in second place, Rene Majid Karim from Kuwait in third place and Reyan Muayed Sayed from Egypt to third place.

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