EGYPT: Official statement accuses Mohammad Ramadan of being "more dangerous than terrorism"


EGYPT: Official statement accuses Mohammad Ramadan of being

Source: Sayed Eltmawy – launch news

An Egyptian lawyer filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor in which he described Mohammad Ramadan as "the most dangerous threat to the society of terrorism and drugs". He did what he did during his last concert after appearing barefoot in front of thousands of people dancing and swaying.

Egyptian lawyer Samir Sabri, an Egyptian lawyer, said in his statement that "the artist Mohammed Ramadan appeared naked during his concert at the theater of Al-Manara Square at the Fifth Assembly," adding that "All who attended the ceremony were young and continued swinging and dancing to the melodies, strong and falling songs," he said.

Sabri added, "I can not doubt that most of them were unaware of their actions, as if the message that the amount of money poured against him is dancing naked is up to their followers to do the right thing. not to an artist followed by the masses. "

"This is not the first time he's done this act," he said. "He has interpreted many of his songs and his artistic works, which he has shown naked and brutal.All who look at him want to do what he sees as scenes of beatings, murders and murders. burning without being indifferent. "He said.

"What it does is more dangerous than narcotics, but it is more dangerous to society than terrorist crimes because it contains the content it provides."

Sabri emphasized the need to investigate the communication and refer Mohammed Ramadan to criminal prosecution, and that representative trade unions and the musicians' union should take the necessary steps to commit trade union offenses.

Mohammad Ramadan performed his first concerts in Egypt, in the square of the 5th assembly of the Al Manarah center, in a room specially designed for him. He was riding his car, accompanied by several motorcycles, and a recorded video recounted his relationship with the public.

A number of celebrities attended the festival, including Majid Al Masri, his wife, Dina Fuad, producer Mohsen Jaber, Hala Shiha, Angie Khattab, Amy Talat Zakaria and others.

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