Egypt .. Price inflation "jumps" in February

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Compared to the previous month, consumer prices in Egyptian cities rose 1.7% in February, compared to 0.6% in January.

Prices see Vegetables and fruits In Egypt, continued increases over the past period prompted the Interior Ministry and the army to ask Foodstuffs For citizens at prices below the market price, try to alleviate their suffering.

Last year, she was raised Egyptian Government Price of petroleum products, subway tickets, water and electricity and many services.

Egyptians, millions of whom live below the poverty line, complain of difficulties in meeting basic needs after successive leaps Fuel price Medicine and transport.


Compared to the previous month, consumer prices in Egyptian cities rose 1.7% in February, compared to 0.6% in January.

The prices of fruits and vegetables in Egypt have steadily increased in recent years, which has led the Ministry of the Interior and the army to offer food to citizens at prices below the market price, so to alleviate suffering.

Last year, the Egyptian government increased prices for petroleum products, subway tickets, water and electricity and many services.

Egyptians, millions of whom live below the poverty line, complain about the difficulties they face in meeting their basic needs after successive increases in fuel, medicine and transport prices.

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