Egypt Surprise .. Surprise in the ranking of happiness index of Arab countries


In the 2019 World Happiness Index, Egypt ranked 137th out of 156 countries, Libya ranked 72nd and Iraq ranked 126th in the world, Algeria and Morocco ranked 88th and 89th places, Saudi Arabia and Qatar at the 28th and 29th rank World list of Arab countries in the index of happiness.

Finland is in first place for the second time in a row, according to the report on happiness, published each year by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

The Zionist entity ranked 13th in the index, while the United States ranked 19th, while Afghanistan, Central Africa and South Sudan were classified.

Egypt ranks 11th in the world over the past 13 years.

The Nordic countries have been at the top of the index since their launch in 2012, with the World Happiness Report released Wednesday, which includes 156 countries, citing factors such as life expectancy, support social and corruption.

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