Egypt wins two awards at the end of the Paris Film Festival


The closing ceremony of the Arab Film Festival at the Arab World Institute in Paris, which began its first session on June 28, was held on Saturday night with the victory of two Egyptian films.

First prize for Egypt in the short film, where the jury awarded the prize to the film "Wens" by Egyptian director Ahmed Nader and the Iraqi film "Fatherland" by Alawi Slim.

The jury prize for the short film was awarded to the film "Sculpture in Time" by 2017 by Egyptian director Youssef Nasser and "Firat Khoury" by Firas Khoury.

The festival jury included Mohamed Hefzi, producer and filmmaker and chairman of the Cairo Film Festival, director Samir Abdallah and committee chairman Serge Le Peron. The picture of the late Arabic writer Faten Hamama was topped with the festival poster.

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