Equality in dignity is the very essence of the cultural establishment of a new policy in the Arab world


6 – August – 2020

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The West has spoken of exporting democracy, especially to Iraq and Afghanistan, in the language of arrogance and arrogance, but on the ground, it has backed all the results that were in its best interest and supported which was in accordance with his prejudices. He really wants “Cinderella democracy” in the Middle East, and there is no doubt that there are those who refuse to say that social and political standards have been exhausted, and point out that only democracy, such as perceives the colonial West, is the correct political system, at a time when the Western recipe for democracy has created temporary dictators. They are no better than the original dictators. The peoples of the Middle East know this and despise and condemn such behavior, and it is perhaps largely a question of perception, but it is also a fundamental question, which has greatly undermined the credibility of the West. in the eyes of the Arab peoples.
The same rejection, regarding the acceptance and protection of democratic pathways, was renewed recently with the observed West stance on the military coup against the democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt. Suddenly, “elections are no longer the basis of democracy and its objective in the mouths of Westerners”, according to Michael Andrew, and Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere see this confusion “with a mixture of contempt, disdain and acceptance of the status quo “.
The ruling elites of Arab countries are weak and defeated, and most political systems have turned into real obstacles in the process of change and reform, and still cling to slogans and illusions. And if the oppression and violence of authority are the pinnacle of what some regimes can offer to break the will for liberation of the people, then with this action they continue to accumulate the objective conditions for their downfall. And what is forming from a revolutionary scene in the Arab political space is the start of a veritable march towards change on the way to the elimination of political tyranny and the destructive effects of authoritarian regimes.

The ruling elites in Arab countries are weak and defeated, and most political systems have turned into real obstacles in the process of change and reform.

The rebellious peoples will not come back from them, nor will they deviate from the demand for freedom and dignity. As for the rationale for maintaining authoritarian regimes in the region under the pretext of external threats, the logic of conspiratorial enemies and the reference to the Israeli threat and national security, these are factors that do not explain the survival of the country. authoritarianism and its desperation to cling to its positions, whatever the Pas if these regimes were close or really involved in the regional conflict, or not. Such justifications don’t fool anyone anymore, and everyone sees them simply as a continuation of earlier justifications such as “either us or chaos” and “either tyranny or foreign interference”. Everyone realizes that sick political bodies, in more than one Arab country, have abused power, absent from recognized public morals and exacerbated the corruption of the bureaucracy, which has become a “power without political identity” which clearly expresses the irrational organization of social life. When the state turns into a despotic power, the issue is settled by the will of the masses. It is not possible to bet much on the role of the coercive security services, and their willingness to defend the existing system alongside the media of authority, and which aim to access the intelligentsia of the regime. And if it is the collective factor that explains its survival and resistance to attempts at reform and demands for change, then its downfall will inevitably come, and staying in power in this way is not eternal, no matter how long regimes last. of oppression and tyranny. The Arab masses have challenged the oppressive security machine that protects the regime, and the voices of millions have resonated more than once in the Liberation Squares and the public squares. Slogans of social justice, human dignity and breaking away from gang rule from the plunderers of the people’s wealth were the essence of the movements and their fundamental motivations, with the hope for change and the decline of authoritarianism, breaking the ties of political backwardness and the disruption of the Arab situation. Popular movements have revealed similar regimes that suppress public freedoms and ignore human rights. He established a class, social and political polarization between a group that monopolizes power and owns wealth, and the poor, impoverished, isolated and marginalized classes, to whom we turn only during the campaign period, and the sympathy is attracted to win votes, even though the entire electoral process is formal and unfair in most Arab circles.
Equality in dignity is the very essence of the cultural establishment of a new policy, as is the absence of the condition of free coexistence, which is corrupted by artificial forms of differences of a legitimate and political nature. It is impossible to imagine the sovereignty of a state that ignores the value of the individual citizen. The obstacle of the mentality which tends towards a global authoritarianism is what hinders the project of true citizenship, and the nature of the inherited tyranny increases the rupture between state and society, and because of this the confidence of the people in leadership diminishes, legitimacy is eroded and the government’s chances of survival diminish, and the issue leads to the maintenance of democracy, leaving cases of confusion present. It is at all times the most dangerous situation in the dynamics of the life of people, who do not feel comfortable with their present and their future. It is a reprehensible realism that sends signals of rejection of prejudices and of the absence of projects for reform and modernization. On the other hand, unless individuals in their society deal on the basis of a social activity that gives them the right to a political presence and to enrich the social space, the proposals for democracy and political freedoms become mere slogans without meaning. A representative authority can be put forward, which has no real decision, and the logic of the loss of participatory governance continues. This is why some insist on the need to put in place a democracy of control, which would liberate society from the hegemony of directed democracy, in the event that it conceals broad concepts in the service of the individual in power and obedient to each according to his choice.
Ultimately, effective democracy requires stable states, in which growth rates are high, their economy and education system thrive, power alternated in them, and in which contractual discourse rises to its political levels. and social. Democratic culture remains essential to the process of democratic transition and the fundamental pillar in the fight against terrorism. In the absence of legitimate governments that believe in these paths, ensure their continuity, entrench their foundations, ensure political stability and achieve economic development and social justice, the phenomenon of terrorism or other impurities of deviation and extremism will not cease. When we vote for questionable parties, we are actually voting for questionable policies. Speaking to empty minds gets lost in the dark, and whether it does not vary with breaths is unreliable.
Tunisian writer

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