"Etsab" Offers "Eternal Memory" Technology for All Users


"Watsab" introduces the technology "eternal memory" to all its users.The news observatory, citing an electronic journal, we publish "Watsab", which introduces the technology "eternal memory" to all its users.

The Information Observatory Many users of the instant messaging application are faced with an embarrassing problem, which concerns images, video clips and various types of media, which at their turn, It is deleted from the application by mistake.

The Android Technical Bulletin released a report in which he published a set of information on how to re-download and view all deleted media from the application.

This should be implemented with a new update that has been supported for the beta and will be available for the public release of Watsab in a month or two at the latest.

The new update, called "Eternal Memory", allows the re-download of various deleted media, even years after the removal of these media from "Watsab".

Any user can now retrieve any deleted media from the gallery or file manager on the phone, the conversations will appear in an unclear thumbnail that will download them again, but the new update you can also download them. "Which gives the user eternal memory."

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