Exchange rate of the dollar and currencies against the Syrian pound today


The Syrian pound maintained its exchange rate against the US dollar and the remaining foreign exchange markets in Damascus and Aleppo on Monday, as gold prices stabilized.

1 USD = 523 lire for purchase, 525 lire for sale.

1 euro = 593 lire at the purchase and 597 at the sale.

1 Turkish lira = 96 lire at the purchase and 98 at the sale.

1 JD = 737 lire at the purchase and 741 at the sale.

1 SAR = 137 lire at the purchase and 140 at the sale.

1 USD = 522 lire for purchase, 524 for sale.

1 euro = 592 lire for the purchase, 596 for sale.

1 Turkish lira = 96 lire at the purchase and 98 at the sale.

1 JD = 732 lire at the purchase and 739 at the sale.

1 SAR = 137 lire at the purchase and 140 at the sale.

18 grams = 16115 SP.

21 grams = 18,800 Syrian pounds

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