Expectations of increased trade between Arab countries after the agreement "rules of origin"


Expectations of increased trade between Arab countries after the agreement "rules of origin"

Wednesday, 20 Rajab 1440H – 27 March 2019 AD Issue Number [

Tunisia: Mounji Saidani

Arab economic sources are expected to attend meetings of the Economic and Social Council in Tunis in preparation for the summit meeting of the Council of the Arab League at its 30th session in Tunis on March 31, to achieve intra-Arab trade at the international level. of commodities, 12% in the past year, noting that services trade increased by 38% in 2018.
Kamal Hassan Ali, head of the economic sector of the League of Arab States, deputy secretary general, said that trade between Arab countries had evolved significantly, even though they remained hopeless and without the real economic potential of the Arab world. Arab countries, noting that the level of trade had more than 5% in 2005 and is now the result of efforts by a number of economic structures within the League of Arab States in a proportion of 12%. He predicted that these figures would be known as a further increase in the coming years, thanks to the agreement on rules of Arab origin, which introduces a significant freedom for Arab economic reality.
He added that a significant number of Arab products of Arab origin can enter the Arab countries without paying customs duties of any kind after the Arab countries have reached a detailed agreement on most of these products. The pace of trade between Arab countries is expected to reflect the optimism that characterizes these trade relations, as four Arab countries have signed the Convention on Trade in Services.
"Arab trade before 2005 was only 5%, about 12% at the goods level, while services exceeded 38%." We expect an increase in this number, given the evolution of the Arab world arising from the agreement on rules of Arab origin.
In another context, he pointed out that the Arab League has ended the Beirut round of negotiations on the trade in services agreement and that four countries have signed the agreement (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates , Egypt and Jordan) and that the university expects ratification of this agreement by the countries.
He said that the Arab trade zone was a stage of Arab economic integration and that the League of Arab States had developed a mechanism to oblige Arab countries to implement the decisions of the Economic and Social Council as a result the recent economic summit in Beirut.

the Arab world

Arab economy

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