Facebook gives users more privacy and reduces their targeting in their ads
Tuesday, August 18, 2019
Official Facebook logo (archive – Reuters)
London: Middle East Online
Facebook strives to protect the information of its users by codifying cooperation with certain telephony applications and other sites, who are working to send information about them to the social network, separating this type of information. their account information.
Facebook will also stop using information to target ads on them once users have erased those apps from their phones, CNBC said.
This feature occurs when the network seeks to improve users' privacy practices and legislators look closely at how personal data is used to serve ads.
"If a user browses a clothing website, looks at a pair of shoes and wants to buy it online, he may want to show him his advertisements on his Facebook account," he explained. Information with us about the interests of this person.
"But if the user analyzes their activity on these sites, Facebook will not be aware of their previous activity on the clothing website."
Once this feature is approved for Facebook users, the site management will not share your information with any of the sites visited previously, nor will it use the data you receive to log out to broadcast to you. ads on the "Facebook" or "Instagram" network, or "Messenger".
Enabling this will negatively affect its activities, but it will give people more control over their data and give them a lot of privacy.
"This is probably a step to put Facebook at the forefront of US and foreign regulators who are targeting ad targeting practices for their users," said Yasmin Inberg, an e-marketing analyst, in a statement.
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