Famous actor sues his wife for obscene images


Famous actor sues his wife for obscene images

Source: Jihad Abdel Basset – Erm News

The Turkish actor Burke Oktay, the protagonist of the series "Complex Relationships", has filed suit against his wife, Murphy Sharpcheğlu, for sharing obscene images of them on social networking sites.

Ms. Murphy, who initiated divorce proceedings, made her statement to the prosecutor, dismissing the charge. "The account on which the photos were published has been hacked," she said.

For his part, the prosecutor stated that Murphy's story, which sought to get rid of the crime on the Internet, was related in the same way (Internet Protocol) and that it was proved that it belonged to one person, which means to lie.

The prosecutor decided to send the file of Murphy Sharapchioglu and the victim Birk Oktay to the conciliation board before the start of the public trial.

In the event of dissolution or renunciation of the parties to the case, Murphy will be sentenced to two to six years' imprisonment for disclosure of the images and sound of the Special Representative's life.

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