Famous artist enters the line of pornographic crisis videos


Artist Ghada Ibrahim has decided to submit to the Attorney General on Sunday an official communication against the Al-Watan website and his newspaper for publishing on his website information about his involvement in the issue of sex video with the director and parliamentarian Khaled Yousef.

Ghada said in her communication that she was surprised to mention her involvement in the trial of some artists, including after the arrest of some defendants and their custody, as well as the initials of her first name as The artist involved, which allowed them to receive many contacts from relatives, friends and journalists News refused, as well as news published on his arrest.

Ghada called on the Attorney General to prosecute and prosecute the newspaper and the lawyer who submitted the communications and who was a source to publish the information about him in order to bring his psychological abuse.

It should be noted that the artist Rania Youssef, who had already acted the same way, was heard by the public prosecutor after being the subject of a wave of rumors regarding his involvement, and then that the real character appearing in the clips is that a dancer has been stopped.

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