Female circumcision: a human rights organization reveals its spread in several Arab countries


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A team of researchers have spent nearly six months collecting data on female circumcision around the world, and among their findings, the practice is widespread in several Arab countries – contrary to the widespread belief that circumcision is concentrated in women. African countries, especially Egypt and Sudan.

New research prepared by the Equality Now team concluded (Tie now) The British, in cooperation with the European Network and the American Network for the Elimination of Circumcision, reported that female circumcision is practiced almost in all countries of the Middle East: Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar , Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, in addition to Iran.

Researchers were unable to obtain statistics in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.

Lawyer Divya Strinivasan, one of the authors of the report, said the research findings revealed several “surprises” related to the Middle East region, including “the presence of studies conducted in Arab countries, but on a small scale, which show that female circumcision exists there “. But the biggest surprise was that the practice “exists on a large scale when you look at the statistics on Iran, Oman and Saudi Arabia.”

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