Fighters: The Syrian army besieged the opposition pocket in the city of Daraa


Syrian opposition fighters declared that the army and its allies had imposed a siege on Daraa's opposition enclave on Monday and were about to take control of the city that was the cradle of the uprising against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Opposition fighters in the city in the south of the country, that thousands of people are now trapped after the army has entered the main base in the west of the city without combat.

The army and its allied fighters completely encircled the shield. Great for the opposition, as the city was a symbol of TB Mia's protests against the authoritarian rule that spread to various parts of Syria. On Friday, opposition representatives and Russian officers reached an agreement to deliver Daraa and other cities of Daraa province, on the border with Jordan, for another Assad victory. and his Russian and Iranian allies

. Many villages and towns in Daraa governorate have returned to state sovereignty after a violent Russian aerial bombardment of urban centers, causing the largest wave of displacement of civilians since the beginning of the conflict there are more than seven years

. Leaving for Fairs-Controlled Areas In the north of the country before the handover of weapons and the return of state sovereignty, Abu Shaima pointed out that there were fighters who wanted to go to Idlib, controlled by the opposition, but this request was rejected after the blockade yesterday.

The fighters say that the agreement does not allow the army to enter their bastions, but allows the formation of local forces of ex-combatants under the supervision of the police Russian military.

Abu Shaima says that there were a lot of worries in the Russians and not in the "regime", pointing out that the remaining opponents in the city of D

Another opposition negotiator said that a new round of talks with Russian officers was scheduled this afternoon on the fate of the city and security arrangements after his return to state sovereignty.

The negotiator, Abu Jihad, They will work with the Russians to form a local force of the people to prevent the entry of the army to Daraa with Russian guarantees.

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