FilGoal | News Report: For De Licht .. Barcelona is preparing to do without Omtiti


Barcelona is planning to recruit Liffe 's defender from Ajax Amsterdam Matisse next summer and the team is ready to give up on Samuel Ommetti' s services.

Ometti has been away for five months this season due to a serious knee injury, but remains one of the world's leading advocates.

The position of Calcio Mercato revealed that the continuation of the Umtete in Barcelona has become weak in Barcelona's desire to join De Licht.

According to the report from the Italian site, Barcelona is seeking a financial benefit from the sale of Omete to join De Licht.

According to the report, Barca was ready to give up on Umtiti because Clément Lenglitt had secured a place in the Catalan defense after injuring his Frenchman.

Barca signed his contract with Ajax midfielder Ferencé de Young early next season.

De Licht has been an excellent player for Ajax this season and has been one of the most prominent players in the superiority of the Dutch team and the exclusion of Real Madrid, champion of the Champions League.

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