FilGoal | News The club advises Salah: you must do what Mani does


Mohamed Salah – Mani – Ferminho – Liverpool – Manchester United

Liverpool coach Juergen Klopp advised striker Mohammed Salah to regain the sensibility of the goal as Senegalese player Sadio Mani was emerging.

Salah has scored a solo goal in the last ten games, against 10 goals scored by his African team in the same number of games.

"Mani is really fit, Sadio is playing this level permanently, but he's still in the right place at the right time," the club said in a comment on his club's website.

"The only thing Manny did when he did not score much, it's work, work and work, that's exactly what Salah should do, exactly the same thing: working, do things well, and the goals will come back. "

"Unfortunately, Salah is a bit unlucky, said the German coach.Although Mani was lucky at the moment, he is in great shape, that's right."

"I was sure that Mo would score for Roberto Fermino's center against Fulam if Jenny Finaldo left him the ball.

Former coach Borussia Dortmund said that "Mani is offering fantastic levels now far from Salah".

Mani scored 17 goals in the English Premier League, like Salah, with a goal from Sergio Aguero, the top scorer.

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