FilGoal | News The former star of Arsenal rages on Mustavi: his fingerprints have filled the crime scene!


The former Arsenal actor, Ian Wright, described what Shakodran Mostafe had done to "crime" in reference to his mistake and allowed Tottenham to understand the North London derby meet on Saturday.

"It's frustrating, it's a loss for me, especially when we look at some of the referee's decisions," Wright said on his YouTube channel: "They got a penalty,.

Arsene Ramsay took the lead when he was inflicted a penalty by Pierre Emeric Obamyang to end the neighbors draw with a 1-1 draw.

Tottenham scored his first draw of the season and his 61st place to retain third place, 4 points behind Arsenal, who was fourth at 57th.

If Arsenal had won the fourth place, he remained fifth with 57 points and Manchester United 58 and Tottenham 61.

Arsenal has a new chance on March 10 to take fourth place when he hosts United against an expected match.

And three days before playing against the French of Rennes in the knockout stages of the final of the European League of Champions.

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