FilGoal | News What is Salah doing in Derby? The Puskas prize and a record in Italy and no defeat in Switzerland


A special record for Mohammed Salah, our Egyptian star in the derby matches he has played during his career in Europe, between scoring and scoring goals that contribute to the victory of his team.

Today, the Liverpool star hopes to repeat these contributions during the Everton clash at the Merseyside Derby at Goodison Park, where Salah had already played, armed with his derby record. comments on Salah's record in Derby matches on his trip between Switzerland, Italy and England.

Basel .. No defeat at the derby of Switzerland

With Basel, Salah played 6 games at Derby Switzerland, which combines Basel and Young Boys. Yes Basel plays the derby with Young Boys in the rich country.

Basel, named after the Swiss city, is competing with the group of young boys in the Swiss capital, Bern.

Salah has not lost a match in this derby, which has come all his matches in the Swiss league.

He won 4 times and drew twice, and managed to shake the Young Boys twice.

Italy .. Derby is not only against Lazio

In Italy, Salah played in order for Fiorentina and Roma. Although the two teams do not belong to the same city, each showdown is a derby, called the "Heart Derby of Italy".

Salah played this derby three times in Rome and twice in Fiorentina.

With Rome, he won twice and lost once. Score 3 goals, score a goal and fight.

Fiorentina plays against Roma but in the European league. He won the match and drew and scored a goal.

He also played a match in the same derby with Fiorentina but against Lazio and lost four unanswered times.

It was Salah's record in the lesser-known derby of his tournaments in Italy. What about months?

In the Roma derby between Lazio and Rome, Salah has a good record in five games.

Salah has won two games out of three against Lazio in the league, but has neither scored nor scored.

In the Cup, he lost 2-1 in the semifinal with no return, winning a 2-0 win and scoring two goals, but did not help Roma, who failed to qualify. for the final despite a 3-2 victory.

Salah has also played four matches in the "Sun Derby" or Southern Derby of Italy, which combines Rome and Naples.

In the derby, Salah scored one goal and scored two goals, won two games, tied a match and lost one.

England .. First goal in the league and Puskas

Between London and Liverpool, Salah has played numerous derby matches with Chelsea and Liverpool.

While in Chelsea, Salah played the London derby against Arsenal, Tottenham and Crystal Palace. He never faced West Ham when he was a Chelsea player.

Against Chelsea and Chelsea Chelsea played only one game and scored his first Premier League goal in the Chelsea Cup semifinal in 2013-2014.

He has also faced Salah Crystal Palace twice with Chelsea. The first confrontation lost the 2013-2014 season with a goal of no response after playing for 34 minutes and winning the second with two goals against a goal of the 2014-2015 season after participating for 4 minutes.

Against Tottenham, Salah was the biggest defeat against Chelsea in the 2014-2015 season with a score of 5-3.

Salah took the lead as a substitute in the 72nd minute when the result was a 4-4 lead.

With Liverpool, Salah never lost to Everton at the Merseyside derby.

The first game was last season, Salah scored a goal and ended the 1-1 game.

Salah's goal won the Puskas Best Goal Award in 2018.

This season, Salah only played 75 minutes in the first round, which Liverpool won unanswered.

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Mohammed Salah

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