FilGoal | Pérez News: Stay with United now and not think of Barcelona


Former Manchester United player Robert Pires said his compatriot Paul Bojba should stay at Manchester United for as long as possible and not think about leaving for Barcelona.

"The Puja is very neat and has not been stopped since Ulynard Sollshire's first practice for Manchester United," Pires told the BBC.

"He has a lot of freedom to risk without fear and he's moving in. I'm not surprised to see him play that way."

"It's hard to understand why Jose Mourinho did not trust him despite his excellent abilities – he's an integrated midfielder and a leader in the locker room."

"I think there was a moment when Bogba thought about going to Barcelona but he does not think about it anymore, but I will not be surprised if his agent tries to do it."

"I think the best thing for Bujba to do is to stay with United because he can continue to progress, the club is now stable and can be the leader on and off the pitch," said Perez.

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