FilGoal | Van Dyck News: We'll deal with Citi at the league with this weapon


Liverpool defender Virgil van Dyke believes that his team's reaction to a change in the Premier League standings with Manchester City will be calm with nine games to play for the title.

With nine games to go, Liverpool is second in the standings, four points behind leaders Manchester City, who have played more games, while the Reds will receive Burnley today.

Asked about the reaction of the players to second place, Van Dyck said: "Stay calm, I'm always calm because you can not be influenced by the media, fans of different clubs or others, you have just need to stay calm. "He said.

The difference with Citi is not great, but it's a difference with Manchester City, we'll see, the next challenge for us is Burnley and it will be tough, so we'll see, "he said, adding," There's still nine matches and everything is possible. After that, how will we have a face in the upcoming Champions League, we have an international stop coming, so a lot of things can change over time … we'll see what you bring to us. "

"It's very important to win against Burnley," he said. "It's really important to score the three points, no matter how we do it, but we want to play football as well." Seriously and hopefully get some points.

In fact, Burnley has lost only once in the past five games away from the Premier League.

"We know how strong they are when we played outside of our home, it was a very tough match, it's a solid team, it's a tough match." We want to prove ourselves and we deserve to play the title .We want him to reach the three points, Burnley deserves all the respect that he has to be a good team, he works hard and l & # 39; coach has a certain way of playing that suits him very well, so it will be very difficult … but I know it will be very difficult for them too.As usual, as we want to be, we will have excellent But you must always be at this level, we want to be at this level, so we have to show it only. "

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