Firefox for Android allows connection by fingerprint


Firefox browser Firefox browser

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Mozilla announced that the Firefox browser for mobile devices equipped with the Google Android system currently allows to connect without a password, the connection process being done through biometric functions such as fingerprints.

Mozilla explained that the login process is done by the WebAuthn authentication method, which has recently become a standard for the Internet.

In addition to the Web browser support for the WebAuthn authentication method, the service in question must also support this method, and the user only needs one of the components identification to carry out the connection process, such as the fingerprint sensor in smartphones.

In addition, the WebAuthn authentication method can work as a second agent during login to help secure the account. USB or smartphone with an application or a biometric login method installed.

Some web services, such as Dropbox, Facebook and Google, support WebAuthn authentication but, second, not the direct connection. This is true for Microsoft; WebAuthn-2FA two-factor authentication only works in a Windows environment.

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