First signs of boycott: South Korea stopped importing Iranian oil


Harmony Agencies:

Three informed sources said South Korea will not receive any oil or Iranian condensates in July, suspending all shipments for the first time in six years. South Korea, one of Iran's biggest customers with China and Japan, comes in while Seoul is in talks to obtain an exception to US restrictions on Iranian oil purchases similar to that of China. He received during a tour. "The South Korean government has lobbied to stop buying," the source said of the Iranian maritime deal, adding that South Korea will not receive any Iranian oil in July.

For deliveries of crude oil and condensates

Cancellation means that South Korea will not import Iranian oil in August, marking the first month of zero imports since August 2012, date to which it suspended South Korean buyers buy Iranian oil before an exception to import limited quantities of Iranian crude.

The United States declared in May that it was withdrawing from an international agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. At the end of June, its allies demanded the shutdown of all Iranian oil imports from November.

South Korean refiners have since reduced their purchases of Iranian oil and have turned to alternative sources such as US and African crude because of high Middle East ore prices and uncertainties about trade with Iran. # 39; Iran.

Iranian oil and condensates from South Korea are SK Energy and SK Incheon Petrochemical, owned by SK Innovation, Hyundai Oil Bank and Hanua Total Petrochemical.

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