Follow these tips to save food and reduce gas waste


The FDA recommends that excess food be kept in sealed containers and placed in the refrigerator, taking into account the period of validity from the time it is prepared for up to two days as the maximum period during which they could be used

This was part of the campaign to reduce food waste: the Commission stressed the need to read the instructions to keep the products written and to check the temperature and dryness of the stock, noting the date of the day cooking on the box. Do not let foods cooked at room temperature over

"Food and Medicine": Follow these tips to conserve food and reduce food waste


The General Authority for the Food and Drug Administration

This was included in the campaign to limit food waste The Commission stressed the need to read the conservation instructions. The products written on them, and to ensure the temperature and dryness of the stock, with the date of the cooking date on the box to save the surplus (19659003) and warned the Commission not to let food cooked at room temperature for more than two hours to ensure their safety when they are used

July 16, 2018 – 3 Zul-Qa 'da 1439


I have alerted the account Shelf life and confirmation of temperature and drought of stock

The General Authority for Food and Drugs recommended to retain excess food in closed and refrigerated containers, in taking into account the shelf life. As part of the campaign to reduce food waste, the Authority stressed the need to read the instructions to keep the products written on and the date of cooking on the box to save the meal surplus.

The Commission warned that food should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours, to ensure safety when it is used. () {
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