A recent study showed that "alcohol injection" helped hypertrophied prostate patients sleep better, according to the quoted "Russia Today" from the newspaper "The Sun".
The injection reduces the gland by a third, thus halving the need to make several visits to the bathroom at night.
Doctors praised the results as "excellent news" for middle-aged men, saying they were as good as most of the treatments provided by the National Health Service.
Symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia include incontinence and frequent access to the toilet, especially at night when the swollen gland puts pressure on the bladder and obstructs the urethra. The mild symptoms can be controlled with existing medications, but they can cause side effects such as loss of libido.
Many people have to undergo surgery every year to widen the prostate, which is painful, as well as the potential for fertility and can lead to sexual weakness.
Doctors believe that the vaccine kills unwanted tissue, which helps to reduce the enlargement of the prostate.
"The reduction in the size of the prostate with ethanol (pure alcohol) was significant," said the head of the research team, Alessandri Rafael Espinosa, of the University Hospital of Caracas, Venezuela. "The ethanol injection can be an effective alternative to the surgical procedure to treat patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia."
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