For the first time, a rare painting for "Picasso" was offered at a price of 300,000 euros in Paris


For the first time, a rare painting for

Source: AFP

A rare painting entitled "Flute and Nute Flute" by Picasso (1932), for the first time on the art market, was auctioned Thursday at 286,000 euros at Christie's in Paris.

The painting is due to the New York Museum of Modern Art and has been sold to a non-French European destination. The costs were between 250 and 350,000 euros.

The painting is made with fir and ink, and the proceeds of the sale will go to the art buying box at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The painting dates back to October 1932, the year in which Picasso recorded an important production. It is part of a series of drawings executed in ink expressing his love and passion for Marie-Therese Walter, his life partner between 1927 and 1935, and the mother of his daughter Maya.

Picasso handed the painting to the art dealer Daniel-Henri Canfellier, who was interested in selling his works, and then was transferred to the MOMA museum with a gift from the American artist and painter Yves Klingenin.

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