For the first time .. The discovery of a link between growth of buttocks and rare cancer!


The health

For the first time .. The discovery of a link between growth of buttocks and rare cancer!

For the first time .. The discovery of a link between growth of buttocks and rare cancer!

Researchers have associated one of the biggest trends in cosmetic surgery known as "gluteal augmentation," one of the few forms of cancer.

Although preimplantation conditions have been associated with breast cancer, it is the first time that the disease is associated with large buttocks.

Researchers say the discovery "helps prove that many transplants can be a risk factor for ALCL".

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A new report, published in the journal Plastic Surgery, describes the case of a woman with large lymphoma (ALCL), a cancer of the immune system cells.

The 49-year-old woman underwent an ardaf transplant about a year ago, before she was diagnosed with cancer.

At the time of diagnosis, the doctors discovered that she had ulcers in the skin around the area of ​​the operation, accompanied by a buildup of fluid. The cancer spread to other parts of her body, including her lungs, and unfortunately the patient died after several months of chemotherapy.

Although the study shows a link between implantation and cancer, doctors can not confirm whether the cancer was caused.

The researchers hope, however, that the results show a serious risk of undergoing this type of surgery.

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