For the ladies .. 5 steps to protect you from ovarian cancer


Ovarian cancer begins to seep into women without any sign of quality or function at first, and spreads faster than any other cancer.

Ovarian tumors are divided into 3 types: mesothelioma, germ cell tumor and skin tumor. According to the onlymyhealth website, the exact cause of ovarian cancer is not yet known, but in general, cells grow and organize themselves in a structured way to form new cells where the body needs it.

Means to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer

There is no way to prevent ovarian cancer, but there are several ways to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, including the following:

– Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is an indicator of ovarian cancer and obese people in early adulthood are more likely to die of cancer than others.

Eat low fat foods

There is nothing better than eating healthy to maintain one's weight, whether it's through a healthy diet and exercise, to maintain optimal health and reduce weight. risk of ovarian cancer. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute revealed that a low-fat diet reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.

– breastfeeding

A study conducted at the University of Cortin showed that women who were breastfed for more than 13 months were 63% less likely to develop ovarian cancer than those who had breastfed less than 7 months of age. month. Breastfeeding can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. And ovarian cancer because it can delay the process of ovulation.

– removal of the ovaries in case of a genetic factor

If you have a strong family history of ovarian cancer or genetic mutation, you risk developing ovarian cancer.When the risk of cancer is high, the elimination of ovaries and cancers Fallopian tubes can be a good idea to protect yourself from ovarian cancer. You think you are at risk or if you decide to remove the ovaries.

– Practice a moderate sport

According to a Canadian study published in the International Journal of Cancer, moderate exercise helps reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. They show that vigorous exercise does not increase or reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, while a moderate exercise can reduce this risk. Previous studies have shown that aerobic exercise can protect a person from breast cancer and several other types of cancer.

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