For the rich only. Tourist trips in the space at $ 250,000 per person


A US-based company plans to launch space tourism flights by 2020, at a price that will be high, with a price of $ 250,000.
"Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Galactic, has signed a contract with Italian parties to install a space in the city of Grottagli in the south of the country.
The company still needs approval official Italian authorities to use aircraft capable of Climb to the level that is not currently a commercial aircraft.
The space installation will not be limited to But it will be available to researchers and scientists, according to the company.
The flight is expected to begin on a White Knight Two jet, piloted by two pilots at Mach 1.9 speed, and can reach 114,500 meters.
British astronauts, including about 700 celebrities, including Brad Pitt and Katie Perry, have booked the first space flight that will probably leave in early 2020.
The Russian space company Inergia has offered to offer "comfortable" space flights to tourists s, The "Neem-2", which will accommodate six passengers.
The newspaper "The Guardian" Russia's desire to send tourists to the International Space Station, in space cruises, for a high amount of 100 million dollars per person
"Economic Research has shown that the rich are willing to pay for the space market, "said Vladimir Solentshev, chairman of Energia.
Solentschev said that the cost of a similar trip could be about 100 million dollars.The tourist would be able to take pictures and videos of the space.
Solentshev stated that the vehicle would consist of comfortable cabins for six people. "Wireless".
The space tourism sector is relatively new and continues to be developed and controlled by Western companies.
The Canadian billionaire, founder of the famous Cirque du Soleil, space for two weeks in 2009.
Anousheh Ansari, an American businesswoman of Iranian descent, was the first woman to take a trip to space in 2006.

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