For the third time in two years, Europe hits Google hard

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It's the third time that it's imposed EU A punishment for the US giant of research in an anti-monopoly case, where the total of the previous two penalties was about $ 7.7 billion, according to the Associated Press.

At a press conference in the Belgian capital BrusselsEuropean Commissioner for Competition, Marjed Vistiger, announced the results of the long-standing investigation into advertising "Google Adsense" said a press conference in Brussels on Wednesday.

Wistiger said, "Wednesday's decision is about abuse Google To modulate network sites using intermediaries other than the AdSense platform. "

The committee found that Google and its parent company Alabate EU antitrust rules have been violated by imposing restrictive clauses in contracts with adcens-based websites, preventing Google's competitors from placing their ads on these sites.

Google has prevented its competitors from innovating and competing in the market based on its benefits, advertisers and site owners said, who had fewer options and risked paying higher prices. consumers. "

The European Commission began its official investigation in 2016, although it said at the time that Google had already made some changes to allow customers affected by greater freedom to post ads competitors.

Last year, Vista imposed a record fine on Google of about $ 4.8 billion after investigating Google's mismanagement of the smartphone market via the operating system. Android Clean.

In 2017, an additional 2.9 billion euros were taxed to Google in a case involving the manipulation of search results for purchases.

Google subsequently announced its commitment to the European Commission's orders forAntitrustAnd is committed to making a number of changes in accordance with the regulations European Commission.


This is the third time the European Union fined the US giant for antitrust research, the two previous penalties being estimated at $ 7.7 billion, according to the Associated Press. .

At a press conference in Brussels, EU Commissioner for Competition, Marjed Vistiger, announced the results of the long-running survey on Google Adsense ads at a conference press conference held in Brussels on Wednesday.

"The decision made today is about how Google is misusing its dominance to close websites using intermediaries other than the AdSense platform," said Fistager.

The Commission found that Google and its parent company, Alphabet, had breached EU antitrust rules by imposing restrictive clauses in contracts with adcens websites, preventing Google's competitors from placing their ads on these websites. sites.

"Google has prevented its competitors from innovating and competing in the market because of its benefits," said Vistager. Advertisers and site owners had fewer options and had to face higher prices to be transferred to consumers.

The European Commission began its official investigation in 2016, although it said at the time that Google had already made some changes to allow customers affected by greater freedom to post ads competitors.

Last year, Vista imposed a record fine on Google of about $ 4.8 billion after investigating Google's mismanaging of the smartphone market via its Android operating system.

In 2017, an additional 2.9 billion euros were taxed to Google in a case involving the manipulation of search results for purchases.

Later, Google announced its commitment to the anti-monopolies of the European Commission and promised to make a number of changes in line with the regulations of the European Commission.

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