For those who make this challenge .. Apple offers a reward of one million dollars


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Apple has offered a $ 1 million reward to any hacker able to infiltrate his security measures and hack his iPhone remotely.

CNN's technology news site said the $ 1 million represents a significant increase in the $ 200,000 rewards program, run by Apple since 2016, to motivate hackers to work with the company rather than to target and target its users.

Cyber ​​hackers will have a chance to win a big reward as early as next fall, said Ivan Krstic, the company's director of cybersecurity at a conference in Las Vegas.

While security breaches have grown exponentially in recent years, Apple's founder, Tim Cook, has described privacy as a human right. He explained that his company was very interested in protecting privacy and not storing personal information.

He told MSNBC that privacy protection was not new to his company and had been trying to do so for years.

This news comes from: Echo Country

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