Found the body of a beggar boy .. Sources: fallen from the top of the bridge


Dawn .. "Red Crescent" started and transferred to the hospital

Authorities of Security and competent investigations in the case of finding the body of a descendant General Hospital received the body of the expatriate and kept in the refrigerator until the completion of the proceedings and investigations , and medical sources have speculated that the cause of his death falls off the bridge after the preliminary disclosure of the body. The transactions received at 14:00 and 05:00 on Tuesday

He added: Immediately, an emergency team was directed to the crash site and when the team arrived at the site, the exam was done and it became clear that he had the heart and breathing stop.

Found the body of a boy and a boy .. Sources: He fell from the top of the bridge


Authorities Security and competent authorities are conducting investigations into the case of the search of the body of an expatriate under the bridge of a boy in the governorate, General Hospital received the body of the expatriate and kept in the refrigerator until the completion of the procedures and investigations, and medical sources have speculated that the cause of his death falls off the bridge after the preliminary disclosure of the body. The operations received at two o'clock and five minutes from dawn a report of the presence of a trio of nationalities under a bridge in the province of Sibia, unconscious.

He continued: Immediately an emergency team was directed to the scene of the incident, the detection procedure shows that she has a stop when the emergency procedures have were carried out and transferred to the boys' hospital in general, after coordination with the security authorities to complete their regular procedures as needed.

July 17, 2018 – 4 Zul Qa 'da 1439

18:55 PM

"The Red Crescent" began and transferred to the hospital

Security forces and the competent investigations on the case of finding a child under the bridge of a boy in the province, while the hospital received the body of the child. From the top of the bridge after the initial revelation of the body.

For his part, says Bishi Sarkhi Alm Red Crescent spokesman in Jizan: The operation room received at two and five minutes of Tuesday's dawn a report on the unconscious presence of A trio of nationalities lying under one of the bridges of the province of Sabia

The site of the incident, and on arrival of the team on the site was detected detection that he has a heart and breathing cessation, where the work of the emergency procedures and transfer it to the hospital after the general coordination with the security authorities to complete the system procedures. ) {
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