France asks Google to review its search engine advertising policy


The French Competition Authority has asked Google's parent company, Alphabit, to review its policies and procedures while blocking the ads appearing on the search results page, pointing out that what Google has done with the company French Amadeus is not competitive.

According to Reuters, Amadeus is complaining to the French authorities of the decline in sales during the year 2018 due to Google's blocking of paid ads appearing on the search results page. Use their services available for free or at a low price elsewhere.

The French authorities have asked Google to clarify its policy and provide an appropriate advance warning before blocking advertisements, said Google blocking advertisements promoting paid products or services that can be obtained for free or at a reduced government price or from public sources.

This was just a few weeks after the French Data Protection Authority imposed a $ 50 million fine on Google for violating EU privacy rules, the most important fine imposed by France on an American company.

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