Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – If you’ve ever thought about quitting smoking, you may want to start working towards that goal in light of the emerging coronavirus pandemic.
The World Health Organization has warned that smoking increases the risk of illnesses caused by coronavirus infection and can lead to death, according to a statement released by the organization in May.
In a video clip posted to “Twitter,” the Saudi Ministry of Health’s “anti-smoking program” explained what happens to the body after you quit smoking.
Here’s what happens to your body after you quit smoking:
- After the first 20 minutes: Gradual decrease in heart rate and blood pressure
- After 12 hours: Blood carbon monoxide levels drop and return to normal
- From 2 weeks to 3 months: Feeling of improved blood circulation and lung performance
- From the first month to the ninth month of stoppage: Reduce shortness of breath and stop coughing
- One year later: Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 50% compared to smokers
- After 5 years: Reduce the risk of stroke by more than 73%
- After 10 years50% reduction in lung cancer risk compared to smokers. In addition, the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas is also reduced.
- After 15 years: The risk of developing coronary heart disease is equal to that of non-smokers
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