Galaxy Note10 phones double pre-order price for Galaxy Note9


Preliminary indications are that requests for pre-orders for Galaxy Note10 phones in the Korean market would exceed the reservation rate by twice the number of pre-booking requests for Galaxy Note9 in the past year.

The first indications of the performance of Galaxy Note10 phones in early booking applications began to increase especially in the Korean market, where a new report released today in South Korea indicates that Galaxy Note10 phones have registered 1 , 3 million units in early booking requests between 9 and 19 months of August.

This ratio in the preorder requests indicates that the Galaxy Note10 phones have exceeded the pre-order number of the previous version of the Note series, but these are still preliminary indications that can not reveal the performance of the new releases, especially with the launch of two versions of the Note series this year. Compared to a version in the last year.

The report also notes that the flagship version of the Galaxy Note 10 phone, with a capacity of 256 GB, is the most popular application for advance reservation requests. It is expected to publish more details on the performance of new releases when it is released on August 23.



This article "Galaxy Note10 phones register reservation requests twice for the Galaxy Note9" (Adapted from the site (Technology Without Borders)), and does not reflect in any way the site's policy or point of view, but technology is responsible for the new or the validity of the source of the original without limits.

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