Medical studies have announced that garlic is a nutrient that removes toxins from the body and helps maintain health. It is one of the most famous vegetables. It is used in many foods because it gives a distinctive taste and delicious taste. Expel toxins and viruses from the body, reduce the risk of illness, infection, colds, flu and various cancers, as it improves the health of the immune system and stops the growth of cancer cells.
Garlic preserves heart health and protects it from strokes because it contains many vitamins and properties that maintain the health of the body, helps control blood pressure levels and regulates heart rhythm and maintains health. digestive system and colon, as well as moisten the stomach and treat inflammations and ulcers. Worms and germs of the body.
Studies have shown that eating garlic with an empty stomach helps control the level of diabetes in the blood and avoid coma.
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