The lower the amount of sugar in foods, the lower the body's ability to burn fat and the faster the appetite to eat is renewed.
The results of the study were published in the journal PNC Nutrition and are based on an experiment to measure the burning of body fat after taking a meal by a group of people. The participants were divided into 4 groups, the first: I took 15 grams of protein with a soft drink containing sugar, and the second: I took the same amount with a sugar free drink.
The third and fourth groups took 30 grams of protein, with the difference that one of the two groups did not drink sugar.
The higher the amount of sugar in foods, the lower the body's ability to burn fat and the faster the appetite to eat is renewed, which is contrary to what one wants to eat proteins.
It does not apply only to hamburgers: if you eat a breakfast consisting of eggs and beans with a high sugar juice, the appetite will be faster than the same meal with a coffee or tea containing moderate amount of sugar.
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