Genome sequencing applications help monitor infectious epidemiology


Dr. Amani Ali Al-Khouli, Professor of Clinical Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cairo, examined the importance of DNA discovery in research on "The applications of the genomic sequencing in clinical microbiology ", where inventions and diagnostic applications have been multiplied. The field of clinical microbiology for the diagnosis of pathogens that conventional tests fail to diagnose, as well as their application to the study of genome modifications increasing the virulence of antibodies or their resistance to antibiotics.
She pointed out that applications of the genome sequence help to track the epidemiological spread of infection and determine the source and methods of its spread. The reference laboratory was therefore established at the Faculty of Medicine of the United States. Cairo University in 2017 with funding from the Development Fund. Science and technology, training and scientific research, patient diagnosis and epidemiological research and communication between universities and research centers in the fields of microbiology, infectious diseases and public health.
It should be noted that Dr. Amany El Khouly, a member of the Faculty of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Cairo University, has about 45 international research and supervises 90 master's and doctorate theses in the field of diagnosis infectious diseases, antibiotic-resistant microbes and modern diagnostic methods using molecular biology and next-generation tests. From the sequence. Al Khouli is a member of the National Commission of Microorganisms of the Academy of Scientific Research.

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