Geological evidence of a water network on Mars!


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Images of craters captured by US and European sensors have shown that Mars was probably full of lakes in underwater water systems, scientists said. Data from NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed the first geological evidence of an old groundwater network for Mars, according to a study by researchers in Italy and the United States. Netherlands, published Friday in the Journal of Geophysical Research. "The results confirm previous studies," said Francisco Salizi e-mail, one of the scientists participating in the study. The lakes under Mars may have been interconnected. The idea of ​​water on Mars has long confused scientists, because the red planet may have already experienced conditions similar to those that sanctioned the evolution of life on Earth. However, Jack Mostard, a professor of geology at Brown University, who does not participate in the study, questioned what he had said: he saw no evidence of the existence of lakes under the surface of Mars in the data, but added: "But I may be only a skeptic on Mars".

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