Glamor in the black hole disconcerts scientists .. The reason "unknown"! • journal of the observatory


Observatory: The black hole in the middle of the Milky Way does not usually result in any noticeable changes, but it was a surprise in May after recording an unprecedented explosion of infrared light.

A tight hole in the planet
The hole is closest to the planet and is known in the scientific community as "Sagittarius A *".

Black holes
According to a scientific paper published by Cornell University, the beam emitted by this explosion is the brightest of the last 20 years of black hole observation. The researchers added that this extraordinary luster, the second of its kind, since the beginning of tracking the exciting astronomical phenomenon.

The paper says that what happened in the black hole a few months ago shows that our understanding of the black hole phenomenon is still limited.

Radio waves
According to Sky News, a researcher stated that he thought at first sight that it was the S2 star, which gravitates around the black hole and approaches what are called "radio waves".

Astronomers do not know what caused the beam at the moment, but they are probably due to the passage of two unknown objects near the black hole in 2014 and 2018.

What's a black hole?
Scientists say the black hole is a dark focus in which gravity reaches a huge level, so that it can attract everything and even absorb light. The black hole is formed when the star comes to an end, and when the energy that holds it together during its life disappears, the phase begins to collapse and a massive explosion occurs.

After that, all the matter left by the explosion falls to a small and infinite point, but it should be noted that these residues represent several times the mass of the sun.

The strange thing about this astronomical phenomenon is that these residues, which exceed the size of the sun, disappear at a very small point.

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