Global Witness: 207 environmental activists killed in 2017


The organization reported that 207 activists had been killed as part of their efforts to protect land, often related to the production of essential consumer items such as coffee and oil of palm. The players in this sector are making a concerted effort to acquire the vast expanses of land they need to grow these products. "When people dare to defend their rights and demand protection of the environment, they are silenced in the most brutal way."

The organization has clearly demonstrated that government-related entities as soldiers or police officers, were responsible for 53 of these deaths. "These cases only concern the perpetrators of the attack, so it can be predicted that in cases where criminal gangs or other actors non-state led attacks, the state may be involved. "In other cases, the government allows companies to penetrate without protecting the rights of locals, which means that they are also complicit in the killing of these activists. "

The Global Witness report cites the killing of environmental activists who commit horrendous crimes around the world. And the government. These include murder, death threats, intimidation, arrests, cyberattacks, sexual assault and trials. The report combines violence with large-scale agricultural products, mining and forestry and all the agricultural materials needed for everyday life, such as palm oil and soybeans for cows and wood for farming. Furniture industry

In the Philippines "Governments have the legal and moral duty to protect human rights defenders, but they usually attack them verbally, as our statistics show, through their armed forces that execute some of the massacres, "he said. Who accused his administration of seeking to reduce the laws on large agricultural businesses during an election year. "Michel Tamer and the Brazilian legislature weaken laws and institutions to protect land rights and indigenous peoples," the report says.

In addition to the fact that last year was the most bloody year for environmental activists since the beginning of the "Global Witness by registering their deaths, the l 'Witness Witness Witness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, year 2017 was the worst of the number of killings against activists.The organization recorded seven cases in which more than four militants were killed at the same time, including the massacre of eight villagers protesting against a coffee project by soldiers in the Philippines.

According to the report, the largest number of victims They are discriminated against by society and governments "I receive death threats throughout the day because I do not remain silent about these atrocities, "said militant Mario de Scorro Costa Ga Silva, who defends Brazil's indigenous people at aluminum smelters

reducing violence by demanding more transparency." We need to ask questions about manufac products in our shelves, "he said. "The palm oil sector needs to clean itself up, and every investor needs diligence to make sure his money does not go to the land and to human rights violations, and finally kill those who oppose it "

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