"Google" announces sale of "Titan" keys to protect devices from penetration


Asim Al-Ansari:

Google started selling its own USB security keys in an effort to prevent hacking of accounts receivable, reports the Daily Mail.

The key will be provided in bundle "USB" and Bluetooth for $ 50, while the product will be available individually at a price between $ 20 and $ 25, according to the site, technical specialist "CNN Nat".

"The Bluetooth version of Titan is provided to support the security of mobile devices, while the USB version supports users' computers," said Christian Brand, Director of Google Identity and Security Products. Full time violations of their employees asking them to use the "Titan" security keys.

In 2017, Google started providing keys to all of its 85,000 employees, according to KrebsOnSecurity, Google "was not a victim of hacking his accounts or penetrating his devices through Keys to Security

News ("Google" Announces "Titan" Keys Are Designed to Protect Peripherals from Penetration.
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